(Let’s) Hit It With A Rock!

Oh No!
Not another 2016 Resolutions Meme.
I know, let’s hit it with a rock.
Better yet, Let’s ask my dog to do it.
Hamish Macbeth hasn’t ever done one ( he’s only a year old ) and my cats would just pee on it and walk ( because they’re cats )  so just a sec and we’ll get this going:
This Year: 

A bad habit I’m going to break: 

Chewing my Mommy’s shoes up.

A new skill I’d like to learn: 

Not getting caught chewing my Mommy’s shoes up.

A person I’d like to be more like: 

My Mommy. She has great shoes.

A good deed I’m going to do: 

I’m not going to dig craters in our backyard anymore.

A place I’d like to visit: 

Our front yard!

A book I’d like to read: 

Oh. You READ books. Not EAT  books.


A letter I’m going to write:

I can’t write sillies, I can’t even read! Wait. I can pee on stuff. Does that count?

A new food I’d like to try: 

It’s called

” No !”

I don’t know what it is but it must taste great because when my Mommy eats it she practically climbs up on the roof with it on a plate and yells down that I’m allergic and to go away

I’m going to do better at:

Finding a better way to get out of it when the Vet gives me shots.

Licking her in the mouth when she leans over me isn’t working. She won’t drop that needle for anything!


Mommy says to wish you all a Happy New Years…so Happy New Years.

And may your days be filled with Yummy Shoes!



Sunday Stealing


9 thoughts on “(Let’s) Hit It With A Rock!

  1. Thank you Hamish for the shoe wish! But I’m not a very good sharing person. You can’t have them. hehe

    Happy New Year!

  2. It’s nice to meet you, Hamish. You are quite the handsome, if somewhat naughty, boy. Ah…we girls like the bad boys. Just a thought, maybe if you leave Mommy’s shoes alone she will let you taste the “No!”

  3. Cute…Hamish has many things in common with Morrie. What’s that on your tongue, Hamish? He’s a cutie. Mui Travioso–what my construction guys called Morrie.

    • That’s dirt from the garden he was rooting through on our walk. It was at a Church and he did it right in front of the Priest I was talking to. Oh. Hamish.

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