The Best Dog

Photo A.M. Moscoso

On New Years Morning

on the first day of a brand spanking new year of which I was excited to see in the night before

I found these balloons  tied into a bunch and resting on the side of the road.

It looks like someone had written all of the negative ideas, thought and images from their head onto these brightly colored balloons and then let them go to

where I  found them, waiting for me on the side of the road like roaches surprised when you flip a light on unexpectedly.

I  could see that every stroke of the pen had left something dark, something depressing that someone wanted to let go of and they did during their wonderful night of festivities and in the end all of their emotional vomit ended up at my feet scrawled in black sharpie on cheerful pastel colored balloons the next morning.

Depressing right?

Photo A.M. Moscoso

But then my dog, Hamish jumped on one and then the other and started to pop them, one by one.

Photo A.M. Moscoso

I made him stop because I wanted to make sure he wasn’t getting a mouthful of balloon and he looked up at me with impatience and dare I say concern?

Photo A.M. Moscoso

My dog did not stop until each of those little brightly colored vicious monsters from inside of someone’s  head  that had been turned  loose on an expecting world that New Years Eve because they wanted to be rid of them were destroyed and when Hamish  was done we put them in the recycle bin where they would not spoil

anyone else’s walk on a bright beautiful morning

of a brand spanking New Year.

You’re Welcome Universe.

You owe my dog.

You owe him big.


“Everyone thinks they have the best dog. And none of them are wrong.” — W.R. Purche

Daily Addictions Prompt: Banner


4 thoughts on “The Best Dog

  1. I was beginning to get worried… I saw curses prevailing as you became a new owner to these balloons, But, I should have known that a trusty dog would be able to shatter the evil monsters! Loved your take on the prompt. Thanks for participating today. (Loved the balloon idea for New Year’s Eve… I might have to try that?

    • A good dog is a must have! That aside the balloons are a great idea, but popping them after inking them is somehow satisfying..

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