The Twisted Terrors

That this guy has his finger on the nuclear trigger is worse than any horror story I ever wrote- Stephen King on Donald Trump.

The true horror story- the one that Stephen King could not write, happened on the day Trump and his daughter were hawking canned food from the White House and people were being diagnosed with Covid-19 and dying from it too.

Stephen King was right- take a look at these faces as they did commercials for canned food- these smiling, twisted, evil faces.

No sane person could have ever envisioned these two monsters.

United States Cases

July 15, 2020

Confirmed 3,483,905+55,443


n United States of America, from Jan 20 to 11:04am CEST, 16 July 2020, there have been 3,405,494 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 135,807 deaths.

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