Just The Way You Are

Putting My Feet In The Dirt Prompt# 4  Lobbying Lucys and Gentle Jokers

Don’ smile like that- you look like a screaming monkey when you smile your smile.

Don’t stand up so straight- you look like you belong in the military when you stand like that.

Don’t wear those clothes, wear something flowing, with lots of colors and maybe a scarf. Why don’t you dress like Debi or Cally or Suzie? Give them a call. They’ll help you out.

Don’t talk like that-  don’t use all of those big words. You sound like a  know-it -all  when you talk that way. It’s not impressive at all. It’s ugly.

Don’t always think about yourself. There are other people in the world you know. What about them? You should help other people get ahead. Why do you always have to come first?

But remember- said the people in my life who  know how to smile properly, dress with style, know how to stand and look attractive and how to be approachable and always think about helping others first-

these people will always say with a little affectionate pat on my shoulder-

we love you just the way you are.

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