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New Year’s Resolutions.

I make New Year’s Resolutions every year-only two.

One is to have more fun then I did the year before:


That’s an easy one, as I get older it’s easier to have fun.

 I’m not as concerned about trivial things like how big my butt is or what I look like when I cry or about being right about anything.

Do you know what a carbon footprint is? It’s basically the damage you do to the environment and the idea is not to leave any footprint behind.

I intend to leave behind a trail of fun that will scorch a trail across the face of the Earth.

Enviros will hate me until the day the Sun turns into a Red Giant and burns the Earth to a crisp for what I did to the Earth.

However, on that day the  Earth will melt and then get fried. At that point in time any of the stupid things I did for a laugh won’t matter so…

What the Hell.


My second Resolution is to Write more.

 I clear that one every year because I’m afraid of going Robert Johnson in desperation

robert j

Legend says Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil at a crossroads to achieve success.

In those  Deals you get screwed, so Johnson got famous…after he died.

I know, what a burn right?

By the way, I don’t believe that legend at all. Johnson was a great musician and giving the Devil credit for his talent is like saying Aliens built the pyramids.

My point- and I do have one, is that writing means so much to me that I’m afraid if I don’t work at it and become the writer I’ve wanted to be since I was 9 years old I could get a little desperate and end up at the Crossroads myself.


There they are in all their glory

 My New Year’s



I know, I know.

New Year’s Resolutions get a bad rap because we promise to do things at the beginning of the New Year and most of the time it doesn’t work out.

The thing of it is, when we don’t follow through on those promises doesn’t matter. Who remembers what you said on one night in a roomful of other people who are all talking about themselves?

That’s right.

So I’m all for adding the fear factor into the deal.

If you’re serious maybe you should up the stakes, sign on the dotted line and strike a bargain.

It’s an option- so legend says.

Or you could keep  your word to yourself.

Choose one.

And have a Happy New Year.


Do Not Open Till…Never Would Be Good


Write the annual holiday card/brag letter for your family.


Hi All!

Here we are at the end of the year

and boy do I have a lot to share!


With much effort and tons of frequent flyer miles ( that the airline finally coughed up ) my shrunken head collection is now complete- whoops- did I say that in my out loud voice?

They’re fake


( cough cough )


Just in case you’re wondering I finally learned to barbecue.


Let’s give that one a pass.


Over the summer I visited a theme park in Russia.

Some of the rides were out of order.

Plus side, I’ve got extra fingers on my left hand now.


I had a house warming party.

Meet My New Neighbors.



That’s an overview of  my year.

And if you don’t want me to tell you about the rest of it or go into great detail about what I’ve mentioned here, I’d like a new pair of Hello Kitty Boot Slippers, Gummy Candies  shaped like killer Jellyfish and a lifetime supply of  Absinthe and some pretty little glasses to drink it from.



Merry Christmas!


My Wall

Tell us a story behind that thing hanging on your wall over there.

Handmade Voodoo dolls for protection created to ward off negative spirits from your house, room, or wherever you choose to place it. This can also apply to negative influences that others place in your life, or harmful circumstances. They may seem chilling or unnerving, but that is intended to “scare” off unwanted energies.



Does Voodoo work, I’ve been asked.

It’s up to you I’ve replied.

Photo: A.M. Moscoso

I went to New Orleans a couple of years ago, and I think that there are two things you must do in New Orleans,

You have to go the Cemetery and leave Marie Laveau a gift (I left a little vial of perfume) and you have to buy a voodoo doll.

I actually knew what I wanted- dolls to ward off bad spirits.

And it worked- much to my detriment as I would learn later.

Photo: A.M. Moscoso

Photo: A.M. Moscoso

I write about the darkness in the human soul, I write about devilish people and the devilish things they do.

Do you know what happened when I chased those real life devilish things out of my life? When I didn’t want to acknowledge that some people I had let close to me were just toxic waste from the sewers of Hell itself? That death had taken people I had cared about and I refused to acknowledge those feelings of pain and loss?

I lied when I wrote.

I cheated.

I knew the truth about the pain of death, I had looked into the face of some seriously twisted human souls and when I wrote was very careful to know let that into my stories.

Like I said I lied.

But when I let those bad Spirits rattle around in my brain and I put them into stories- I started to really write again.


My dolls, as you can see are still on my wall.

I think they do ward off those bad things- but when it comes down to it warding things off isn’t enough.

Sometimes you have to take a stake and drive it through the monster’s rotten heart.

That’s what I do now every single night- one word at a time.


When Words Collide



Introduce yourself and your website to Holidailies readers.

Two steps behind, one step ahead, or completely off the rails- when it comes to my writing I can never seem to strike that chord where there’s that balance that thing that makes a story hang together in a way that makes sense.

Not my work, oh no. I get that sense of reality in there but at the end or somewhere down the line things get distorted.

Like all of the sudden my mind’s eye starts seeing the story in a fun house mirror.


So I will take a prompt and start off doing what it says to do when this little voice in my  head says, ” You know what would make this great?”

And the next thing you know I’m like a dog off a leash- and forget catching me because I’ll be half way around the world before you even know I’m gone.

Like a few days ago I wrote a story based on a prompt about a little girl who is a budding writer. She answers the question ” where do you get your ideas from” by jamming her pencil into the questioner’s hand.

In her defense the questioner is the monster, but originally I had a monster show up behind her and start whispering into her ear- much to the horror of her teacher.

It just seemed funnier with the pencil in the hand.



Once someone left a comment that they couldn’t figure out what my blog was about- I said it was a collection of stories and posts based on prompts.

They sent back a question mark.

I replied with this:

killer doll

Now see.

That’s what happens to me when I write.

The prompt was easy enough- introduce myself to Holidailie Readers.

And I ended up wandering all over the Freeway of Life during rush hour.


The picture of the Killer Demon doll is pretty great.
