October Promises

Poetry, Day Eight: Pleasure

From the tantalizing to the satisfyingly sober, have your poem convey a sense of pleasure today. Imbue it with joy, glee, and profound contentment — or, if you wish to keep it dark, write about the lack of or longing for pleasure in your life.

William Trost Richards

William Trost Richards

The Clunk of a chain

whispers, cries, please

the sweet scent of caramels



The snap of a twig

the rustles of leaves

bones rattling from the behind you



Shadows with cold hands

shadows with teeth

hiding behind you, above you, inside of you



Bound By Dust

Photo A.M. Moscoso

She should not be here in the dust

where there is no water

no breath of air

no life

nobody to care.

She should take to the air

she should find the Sea

she should lift her wings and fly

Don’t be

