If Thy Toes Offend Thee, Hack Them Off

RDP Wednesday – SHOE

In the Grimm’s Brothers telling of Cinderella,  Cinderella’s  Stepsisters actually cut off parts of their heels and toes in order to fit into Cinderella’s small and delicate glass slipper.

Call it foreshadowing or maybe some  spot on crystal ball reading went on,  but years later woman are hitting the plastic surgeons and getting things hacked off and sucked out  and popped in and it’s pretty much for the same reason.

If I am perfect, I will know love and true happiness and  the sun will always shine in my backyard.

Damn the pain, damn the risk, I want that shoe to fit.

Even if it kills me.

THAT is pretty Grimm

The Cold Kitchen

RDP Tuesday: pupil



everything taste better-

Lies are as sweet as chocolate drizzled  upon strawberries ripened to perfection.

Broken promises are coated in delicious creamy frosting smoothed with a skilled hand upon a mass of crumbling cake.

Betrayal is a cool drink in a chilled glass with a sprig of mint on the side and it is always served with a smile and a bow.

I learned this all

at the hands of a Master Chef

I was an apt pupil

in the kitchen of




I am ready to do some baking of my own.