I Thought I Heard Screaming

I was out for a walk

and on my walk is a gully full of trees.

I decided to take a few pictures because it’s a pretty spot surrounded by scab of careless city planning and as I was doing that I thought I heard something.

It took me a minute, but I figured that all I was hearing were some noisy birds, some cars and a few barking dogs. But you know that wasn’t it, that wasn’t what I was hearing.

It nagged at me. I couldn’t figure out what that ‘almost’  sound was.

So to distract myself, I decided to check out the pictures I had grabbed and that’s  when I noticed that the trees in my pictures were covered with vines.

The vines are thick and nasty looking and I think, from what I’ve recently , they can kill those trees.

Now I think I know what I was hearing.

I think  I heard screaming.

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso