The Nail

A few days ago I was outside playing fetch with my dog and we got into a friendly game of ” drop it what does drop it mean?” When all of the sudden one of my acrylic nails popped off.

I was looking at my now naked nail and ugly finger ( my hands, yuck they are UGLY ) when this thought popped into my head.

” You know Anita, if they all popped off you could play the guitar again.”

After we went in ( I lost at the game of drop it, what does drop it mean)  I pulled my guitar out of the closet, took it from it’s case and tuned it’s dull yet ok strings. Here’s the funny part. I gave this to myself 6 years ago after not playing guitar for over 15 years and then put it away.

I was surprised I could tune it by ear. It was a surprise.

Then I tried to find the rest of my gear.

Most of it was gone, I gave it to my brother and my Amp is a Vox Super Beatle that can NO WAY be used where I live now because that baby is LOUD.

So I went on line and ordered a little practice amp and all that stuff you need if you want to play.

Plus I bought headphones.


Then I went to work at taking off the rest of my nails- not so awesome. But I did it and managed to not hurt myself. I tell a lie. It did hurt. Oh well.

I am ready to go back to playing the guitar- without a doubt that impulsive little thought was the best decision ( coupled with taking my writing seriously ) I’ve made in years

and it came to me out of nowhere all because I broke a nail.

Photo A.M. Moscoso

My beautiful Ibanez.

I’ve always used Boomer strings-no reason.  Strings are pretty much all the same as far as I’m concerned, but I bought these because of those Millennial Snowflakes who decided I’m a World Destroying Bernie Bot Hater – an ignorant  Boomer who stumbles around with the help of a walker and I take loads of medication so I won’t die 

It’s a derogatory  term when it comes out of their tender littler mouths.

So yeah.


Eff you snow flakes.


This is my dog and my guitar- toss in my writing and that is my world now.

I know- awesome, right?