The City In The Sky

July Writing Prompt: # 2 City in the sky

Photo by Mat Brown on

Ever have one of those days

when you don’t want to be told where to go

so you just sit there and go nowhere

until you relize

It’s one of those days

when it’s not that being told what to do that bothers you

what bothers you is being told how to get there


how you should look, the clothes you should wear, the expression on your face modified for mass consumption.

There are some days when I just want to keep moving

and the only sound I want to hear

is the wind in my ears

until I reach that City In The Sky

where it rains when it wants to rain and it snows when it can and none of the houses look the same and the lawns are a little overgrown and dogs bark and cats chase birds and Werewolves dance with Zombies in wild abandon in the streets at sunrise and your Pizza Delivery is always on time.




3 thoughts on “The City In The Sky

  1. ~M – Beyond the beyond – “When the weight of the world is upon you and you're left spinning out of control. When you’ve been plunged head first into darkness, and you don’t know where to go. Simply follow that tiny flicker of light, far off in the distance somewhere. It’ll lead you to a place where love abounds and where hope is found everywhere.” ~M

    Love that last bit especially. 😉

      • ~M – Beyond the beyond – “When the weight of the world is upon you and you're left spinning out of control. When you’ve been plunged head first into darkness, and you don’t know where to go. Simply follow that tiny flicker of light, far off in the distance somewhere. It’ll lead you to a place where love abounds and where hope is found everywhere.” ~M

        Oh yes! And now I’m suddenly craving pizza! Lol 😆

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