6 thoughts on “One Liner Wednesday- A Haunting Idea

  1. There was a time when I wished I were invisible. Now that I do feel like so a lot of times (my doing), I wish the opposite. I’m thinking now it’s about balance. But I could be wrong.

  2. I used to think I was invisible and then I gained 35 pounds. I was like “Whooooa that wasn’t invisible. THIS is invisible!” In all seriousness though, people are so into themselves that they don’t notice anyone until something flashy catches their eye, like peacock feathers.

  3. Laura – North Carolina – My name is Laura. I grew up in a military family that bounced around throughout my childhood. After earning a bachelor's in English and a master of teaching degree, I married my college sweetheart and we lived in the midwest for two years. Then we moved to North Carolina and settled down in a small town to build our life together as a family. I have a deep passion for writing that lives alongside my love for my family, music, photography, and more. I hope Riddle from the Middle will make you laugh, or cry, or think about something from a new perspective...but mostly I hope reading it brings you as much joy as I gain from writing it.

    Hmm. This one made me think. 🙂

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