Ambria’s Special Day

Word of the Day Challenge: Sniff

Ambria  Lenart is going to be married in May.

Her dress is hanging from a metal frame in a dark cool room at her Mother’s house. Her shoes and veil are in the closet, there is a box of new cosmetics for her special day on the vanity.

The air smells like lemons and flowers and when Ambria and her bridesmaids go into the dresses room they giggle, they talk in whispers, and when they look at the dress they sneak peeks at it but they never look at it, strange as it may sound,

in the face.

A few weeks before her wedding, the seamstress came out to Ambria’s house for one last final fitting. It was then that they discovered that there was an issue with the bodice.

” It’s not major surgery, ” Belinda the seamstress  assured Ambria who was about to go nuclear ” These things happen. It just needs to be taken in a smidgen. I can do it today and have it back the day after tomorrow. ”

” Swear to GOD. ” Ambria demanded. ” Do you swear to GOD my dress will be perfect when  you bring it back?” Ambria clapped her hand over her mouth and when she took it away she was smiling, ” It is perfect Belinda. Don’t you think? It is perfect just the way she is. I  mean. Do we have to cut her? We don’t,  do we?”

Belinda, who had seen her fair share of Brides skating around the edges of insanity just before their big day but it occurred to her that none of them had ever referred to their gowns as ‘she’.

” Yes she is perfect, and this will just make her a little bit more- special. ”

Ambria shot a look at her dress, ” That’ right. Just a little more special.”

Ambria Lenart is in her dress’ room waiting for Belinda to come back with the cloth garment bag to put her dress in before she takes it away.

Her dress is hanging in the cool semi dark part of the room. It does not shine or sparkle, the air does not smell like lemons and flowers.

In her heart Ambria knows that her dress is perfect, she has known this since the day she saw it in the Bridal Shop. It was love at first sight- which if Ambria had to be honest she didn’t exactly experience when she first met her fiance.

Her dress though is and always has been… perfect.

Ambria went to Belinda’s sewing box that she had set on the vanity, she took out a pair of scissors and opened them up. Ambria lifted her left arm and rested her fingertips on the top of her head.  Then Ambria turned to her side and faced the mirror.

She smiled and sniffed just a little.  Her eyes were shining.

She was going to make herself just a little more special for her one true love.



Writers Are Funny


When I die and people go through my search history, you’ll be disappointed to find mostly just definitions for very common words that I wasn’t sure I was using correctly.