Fandango’s Flashback Friday: Grandma’s Kitchen

First published November 14, 2019



Republished For Fandango’s Flashback Friday

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Some people have stories

about watching their Grandmothers or Great Grandmothers

baking fresh bread in their kitchens.


The sun was always streaming through the windows on those bread baking days

as  Grandma told her stories  about her Mother baking bread

once upon a time and long ago

and magically you could still smell Spring flowers in her warm Fall kitchen

as she melodically told her story

and you clung to each word.


Sweet memories

always warm and tasty as we share them

exactly like the  bread Grandma used to bake.


My Grandma

didn’t bake bread and she didn’t tell sweet kitchen stories

from long ago.


My Grandmother

used to tell me ghost stories

that she kept warm on her baker’s rack

we shared them

hungrily, ravenously

between us when the world was  dead asleep.


Her stories still  come alive for me


they  chill   the air

falling around me like crispy autumn leaves

when I am in my kitchen

and the world is dead asleep

and winter is setting in.

79 Days To Halloween

I’ve taken my son on a few trips to the cemetery to check out the artwork, but this trip was special because it was the first time I’ve taken my granddaughter.

It was a special day and today there are 79 days to Halloween.

Spend it with someone you love.

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso