The Bare Bones

As I  crawled along the interwebs I came across this picture of a little skull.

I know, you’d think an macabre person like myself would ooh and ahh over this and  have one just like it on my bookshelf. But I don’t.  Animal bones make me sad.

So just as I was feeling very blue about this little skull, I saw these comments under the picture:

I was pretty excited about this conversation because I felt like I could join the join in and not be the Debbie Downer who was sad over a poor little skull- because I think bones are beautiful and I’m all for displaying them in my front yard for all the world to see too:


Perspective, it’s all about perspective.

22 Days To Halloween

Today I thought we’d listen to a cool song and watch robots dance to it because robots freak some people out and being that we’re yet another day closer to Halloween I thought this would be a perfect Halloween Treat:

This next clip shows you how Boston Dynamics got to where they are now. Just as a side note, I really hated it when in the testing they kicked at the robots, probably because the robots they were designing reminded me of dogs and horses- so not cool.

There was also  a robot that opened a door on it’s own and according to the note that freaked people out- not kicking the robots. People have messed up priorities.

So in closing, I will add that I cannot wait to see robots dance on Mars.

It’s going to happen you know.

Anyway that’s what I’m hoping for.

 Automatonophobia: Fear of Human-Like Figures:

It is currently unknown precisely what causes this phobia. It may be partly due to our own innate expectations of human behavior. We tend to mistrust people who stare blankly, remain quiet, or act in ways that we do not consider “normal.” Whether programmed to move or simply standing silent, automatons look but do not behave like humans (MORE HERE)