Flashback To Krampus

For Fandango’s Flashback FridayI thought this post would be a great pick- I hope you enjoy it,


‘Clean Up With Krampus’

First published

December 23, 2016


I suppose that Cleaning Up after Christmas can be a chore, but does it have to be?

When I was young and we had to do clean up we actually had a lot of fun.

If you did kitchen cleanup you poured yourself a drink and hid in the kitchen and told wild stories and dirty jokes and butchered Christmas Songs with your own off colored versions.

It used to get so noisy and we carried on so much that before you knew it, the kitchen was full of people who wanted in on the fun and hey presto it was clean and you could take the Merry Making out into the living room where…

anything that was flammable went straight into the fireplace- we were not a green recycling family back in the day.

We were just really, really fond of fire.

The only problem we had was one year THE ADULTS of which I was not one of yet- had downed some Christmas Sprits in the kitchen and were so happy that they forgot to open up the chimney flue and it got a tad bit smokey.

Okay, it was really smokey but considering  most of my family used to smoke I don’t think they noticed or cared. I mean, they weren’t exactly gasping for air. They probably inhaled most of it and then blew smoke jets out of the window and open doors.

I guess my point to this story is that you make your fun during the Holidays in a lot of different and creative ways.

I personally think that’s what having the Christmas Spirit is all about.

You  can have fun when your scraping food off of plates, when you race out to the garbage cans with no shoes on because you’re too busy to put your snow boots on and you don’t want to lose a second of your time lacing them up or even LOOKING for them or when you dump a plate full of your Aunt’s famous homemade bourbon balls into that roaring fire place because you like the way they smell when they burn.

So if you’re clearing up or cleaning up or watching somebody else do it because you are the sharpest knife in the rack, make it fun.

And don’t forget to share the story at your next Holiday Clean Up.

It will be fun, trust me on that.



One thought on “Flashback To Krampus

  1. bushboy – Landcare, photography, music, poetry (of sorts), cooking, our environment, life on the land and making a difference where I can. MotoGP is my "boy" fix.

    Sounds like fun indeed Anita 😀

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