Lois and Olli


John Singer Sargent “A Dinner Table at Night”

Lois and Olli always dined in the dead of night.

Dressed in their finest linen and lace, they preferred to sip their wine by lamplight, they enjoyed taking their meal with knife and fork by candlelight and they savored their dessert in bone chilling darkness.

Occasionally, with knife in hand, Olli would look up from his plate and offer a little smile to Lois and in return Lois, with one hand curled around the stem of her glass would turn her head and purse her painted ruby lips at him.

Sometimes they would ask for salt, or maybe more wine and a waiter- or waiters would come from the shadows and oblige Lois or Olli .

After they served the couple, the staff would fly back into the corners of the dining room and press their backs against the walls and with one eye they watched the only doorway out and with both ears they listened for the clock to strike the half hour before they closed.

” Do you know what I was just thinking Olli? ” Lois would sometimes ask.

Olli raised his hand, lifted a finger and from the balcony above someone began to play the violin. ” What were you thinking Lois? ”

” Go on Olli, you know me better then anybody. You know what I’m thinking.”

Olli looked into Lois’ eyes and he leaned forward and placed his hand over hers. ” Do you ever not imagine me in a coffin sans my head, sweet Lois? ”

Lois’ lifted her glass to her lips. ” Never il mio animale domestico”

Olli took his hand away from Lois and he held it up and flexed each finger. ” Still there I see. ‘

He smiled tenderly at Lois.

” For now. ” Lois said. ” For now. “.



Photo A.M. Moscoso

When I used to suffer from severe Panic Attacks my cat Wolfgang would lay on my pillow next to my ear- or he would sit with his head on my shoulder and breathe into my ear.

I would listen to him breathe and little by little my chest would not feel so tight and my heart would quit racing.

To this day when I am under stress, if I think about that sound of his breathing it really helps get me back on track.

FYI- I have no idea why Wolfie took it upon himself to help me the way he did or if he even knew what was going on. But when I was in distress, he was ALWAYS there.

That brings me to this film ( six minutes long ) called ‘Stille’ by Thomas Riedelsheimer and Google Arts and Culture.

First of all it’s amazing- my favorite parts were the curtains and the clouds and when I observed this silence, I felt the same sort of relaxation and clarity that I felt with Wolfgang.

I can also see that this would be a great film to watch to sort of quiet the storm before  writing.

This is a really fantastic film.

I hope you will watch it and enjoy it.

From Google Arts and Culture:

A collaboration with filmmaker Thomas Riedelsheimer and Google Arts & Culture, taking you on a restorative journey through rural Germany and beyond.

Silence is a widely misunderstood concept, often dismissed simply as the absence of sound. On the contrary, scientists are discovering that silence can have tangible, positive effects on human health, able to slow our breathing and heart rate, reduce levels of cortisol in our bodies (the ‘stress hormone’) and even help us grow new brain cells.

Filmmaker Thomas Riedelsheimer has spent over a decade capturing moments of silence. This has been paired with sounds specifically designed to slow your body using nine second breath cycles. Ephemeral, gently changing, and with a focus on silent happenings and non-happenings, the result is intended to help you reappraise silence in a new way.


#8 Prompt- Strunk and White  ” Brainstorm “