Little Windows- an Unusual View

I won’t go to far into why I chose the windows to look through because I want to let them speak to you on their own.

The Hu is one of my favorite bands and that’s all I’ll say.


The Hu (stylized as The HU) is a Mongolian folk rock and heavy metal band formed in 2016. With traditional Mongolian instrumentation, including the Morin khuur, the Tovshuur, and Mongolian throat singing, the band calls their style of music “hunnu rock”, hu inspired by the Hunnu, an ancient Mongol/Turkic empire, known as Hünnü in Mongolia. Some of the band’s lyrics include old Mongolian war cries and poetry.

Usha Jey, is a 23-year-old Hip-hop dancer and choreographer. She is the creator of Hybrid Bharatham that is a mix of Hip-hop and Bharatanatyam

Men are Hula dancers too- and it’s just as beautiful as when women dance the Hula.

2 thoughts on “Little Windows- an Unusual View

  1. Reflections of an Untidy Mind – Tracy lives in Australia. She is passionate about the environment, her family and her dogs. She is a Type 1 diabetic of nearly 50 years. In her spare time, which is hardly ever, she is a mosaic artist. She is interested in what makes people tick and why they do the things they do. Her blogs will encompass important social and environmental issues, plus more mundane subjects like her experiences in dealing with a chronic medical condition and unruly dogs.
    Reflections of an Untidy Mind

    I really like The Hu too. My son heard me playing one of their songs so he bought their CD. It is great.

    Hybrid Bharatham and the dancing warriors are fab too. Thanks for sharing, Anita.

  2. bushboy – Landcare, photography, music, poetry (of sorts), cooking, our environment, life on the land and making a difference where I can. MotoGP is my "boy" fix.

    Loved the Mongolian video 🙂

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