Happy International Dog Day!

Happy International Dog Day Everybody!

I hope you are all as lucky as me- I’ve had exceptional dogs my entire life and they’ve all made my life a little more wonderful then I deserved.

Now I am truly blessed with the a companion who manages to make the world brighter even when the Sun is not out and I am in the midst of a very dark day.

So today, August 26, 2022 is your day my sweet gille beag.

I hope you know that you are the goodest boy EVER Hamish Macbeth and in our world everyday is your day- no matter what the cats say.

Hamish Macbeth
Photo By A.M. Moscoso

Hamish Macbeth
Photo By A.M. Moscoso

Hamish Macbeth
Photo By A.M. Moscoso

Treat or Scream?


Crisp red apples

bathed in cold clear water

I’m glad they don’t have teeth or they’d certainly click and chatter.

Crisp red apples

skewered through a hole on the tops of their heads

I’m really hoping that they are not alive and that they are truly dead.

Crisp red apples

cold too the touch

next comes the boiling sugar did you hear that little crunch?

Crisp red apples

sitting on a tray

waiting to be claimed by ravenous monsters and then spirited away.

Crisp red apples

tortured for your culinary pleasure

every Halloween.

Remember All The Goodest Boys Too

There are 67 days left until Halloween and now is a good time to introduce you to Jenny-Jinya.

Jenny-Jinya is the original artist of the “Loving Reaper” comics. She creates sad comics to raise awareness and funds for animals in shelters and in the wild.

I can’t read these without crying, but I always keep up on her work and after I read them I go find my dog, smooch his happy face and thank the stars for every single minutes we are together. Then I do what I can for the cats and dogs and animals in the wild who weren’t as lucky as Hamish Macbeth.

Below Jenny-Jinya’s  Trick or Treat comic are links to her sites. DO check them out but have a box of Kleenex on hand.


Jenny Jinya on FACEBOOK

Jenny Jinya on INSTAGRAM