Summer Leaves

Here where I live in Washington state it’s been unseasonably warm.

I have some FB friends  that live in this area that love the Sun in all of it’s skin eating glory. They worship the Sun with the same devotion  as the ancient  Egyptians did for the God of the Sun, Ra.

Just as a side note, their God has done for them exactly what the hot sands  of Egypt have done for their ancient counterparts and a few of them look like them now.

But I digress.

Right now most of them are feeling cheated by their God. We have two wildfires that are pumping smoke into the air and making those glory days feel and look dusty and smelly and the Sun hangs above it, mocking them all.

It shines above them offering it’s loving touch and in the end, cruelly denies them it’s kisses.

Safe to say, it doesn’t look like Summer, it doesn’t feel  like Autumn and it certainly seems like Halloween is a no-show. But in one corner of Toilet Town ( as I call the city I live in with some affection-and I must stress some – as in very little- affection ) is big box store that has a managed sneak in Christmas.

But have they snuck in Christmas?

Christmas is hidden in it’s garden center, where it’s cool. There are Christmas songs floating like the first fluffy snow flakes of Winter through the sound system and Christmas trees are lit and and pack the walkways and decorations are waiting patiently on the metal racks to leap out and latch themselves onto you- because they are hungry and just a word of advice-

it’s almost Halloween and their is a story that says this is when the dead walk the Earth, some of those Spirits are good and somen are far from it

and at this time of the year they wear costumes- all kinds of costumes, or maybe I should say

disguises of all kinds.

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso



Black and Orange and Me

Photo A.M. Moscoso

I love Halloween- I know you’re shocked  right?

Well it’s true and it’s true that my love is so blind that I don’t ask why, I don’t question it. Seriously if Halloween was a person our relationship would border on psycho.

For example, black and orange are Halloween colors, they’re iconic in their own right just like Werewolves and Haunted Houses and Black Cats ( noticed I capitalized  them here) and I finally wondered why those colors.

So I did a little reading and gathered the following:

Orange is a no brainer- it’s a fall color. Back in the early days of Halloween when people made their own decorations, leaves, pumpkins  and other Autumn offerings were part of what they used. Orange played a  big part of the color scheme and with orange the golds and yellows of the fall went along for the ride.

As for black- that is an easy one. Black hides  in all of those places that scare us and waits patiently for it’s chance to pop out and screech ” Boo ” at us.

Who brought it all together?

That would be the Dennison Company, back in the 1920’s they started to produce  Halloween decorations and even if you don’t know who they are you’ve probably seen their products- I really should ask why more often when it comes to Halloween.

It was fun.