I’m Think I’m Going To Cry Now

I fell in love with this story.

A Mama chimp fell asleep and when she woke up her baby she was carrying inside of her was gone.

Two days later she walks into a room and this happens:

This morning I went to the Zoo’s Facebook page to see how Mahale and  and her baby Kucheza were. I’ve been doing this daily since they started to post a out Kecheza and even if they didn’t have a post about him and his Mom, I enjoyed the stories about their neighbors and family at the zoo.

This morning this is the post I saw from  the Sedgwick County Zoo’s Facebook page.

Friends, our hearts are broken today. It is with the greatest sadness that we have to announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Kucheza, 5-week-old Chimpanzee.
Keepers found Kucheza deceased, and cradled in his mother Mahale’s arms, when they arrived at the Zoo this morning.
Mahale is not quite ready to part with him, but when our team is able, a full medical assessment will be done to determine the cause of death.
Mahale’s love for Kucheza was and will continue to be felt by billions of people around the world.
In his few short weeks of life, Kucheza brought joy and light to so many, and sparked an opportunity to educate the world about chimpanzees, the dangers they face in the wild, and most importantly – why we should care.
We’ll continue to share these messages and inspire respect and conservation for Kucheza’s wild counterparts in his honor.
Here I thought I would get to watch little Kucheza grownup . I thought I would be able to share his story with my Granddaughter- who loves Chimps ( she’s a big Curious George fan ) .
I forgot- probably intentionally, how fragile life is and how unfair it can be.
It would be easy to go back to thinking that there are no stories with happy endings out there. This is a story started out about  Mom thought she had lost her baby
and she found him. Then a month later she lost him again- this time for good.
How can you feel anything but sadness when you hear this story?
I guess I will look at this story this way.
When  I  look at the videos of Kucheza looking up into Mahale’s  face full of love I am going to keep in mind that for one month that was his entire Universe.  That
was all ever knew.
That is a happy ending, even if it makes me cry to think about it.