The Gallery


There are times when I don’t understand why some artists and writers lose their marbles and they fly off the rails and crash.

And there are times when I get it:

One afternoon I was haunting my favorite  art museum – its called the Frye Art Museum and it’s Seattle. I was  there trying out my new camera ( not a phone camera but an actual camera ) that I hadn’t go the hang of using yet.

Then I posted the pictures to my Google account and forgot about them. I may have posted them to my blogs, but it’s been awhile so I’m not sure how long ago that was.

Anyway when I put them together I felt like maybe there’s a story here. Maybe if I keep looking I’ll find it or maybe I’m off my rocker for even trying. Maybe they’re are just random pictures taken in a random moment years ago with a camera I no  longer own and I’m  trying to make sense out of something that never made sense to begin with.

Those thoughts are now messing with my mind. Maybe that is the story. I don’t know.


Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo: A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso

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