So Noted

Everyday Inspiration

Day Two: Write a List

Things I Like

Mark Ryden

Mark Ryden

I like questions

and riddles

cupcakes and science

snow and ice and rain.

I like scary stories and horror stories

and pictures of bones and cats.


I like dark nights and gloomy mornings

fog and pumpkins and sunflowers.


I like the Ocean,

not so much the mountains

and I can’t breath in open spaces.


I like writing and dreaming

and Mozart and Monet

and books written a long time ago.


3 thoughts on “So Noted

  1. simplygiselle – New England – I am at the point in my life where I am just trying to figure it all out. Fun vs responsibility, fitness vs relaxation, water vs wine, what the hell do I want to be when I grow up... it's all too overwhelming

    I am a huge fan of Mark Ryden! Great post!

      • simplygiselle – New England – I am at the point in my life where I am just trying to figure it all out. Fun vs responsibility, fitness vs relaxation, water vs wine, what the hell do I want to be when I grow up... it's all too overwhelming

        I follow him on FB with hopes he may have a showing locally one day.

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