Mrs Troxel and Me

Daily Prompt

Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt.



Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso


Mrs Troxel has a shovel

leaning against a tree

and every time I pass her house

I think that shovel is for me.


Mrs Troxel gardens at night

when the air is bitter and cold

She whistles as she digs and prunes

black trees and bushes with thorns


” Come on over and help me ”

She calls from the side of the road

” I have a shovel just for you

and a spot to rest under that tree.”


One night I think I’ll stop

and I might just say hello

Because I have an ax in my shed

and I think it’s just for her.



9 thoughts on “Mrs Troxel and Me

  1. Matthew Tonks – Australia – Like everyone else beyond the lenses of my own eyes, I am also on a journey of self discovery. Each new step I take adds a new brick to the wall of knowledge I build, in a selfish attempt to block out all light. My words come from places my higher self wishes to ignore, and my stories rise up from the bitter bowls of whatever is beneath me. I live to tell you a tale worth telling, all you have to decide is which story it is you want to hear. Once you’ve done that let me know, and together we can journey towards the madness hand in hand!
    Matthew Tonks

    A tale bathed in a wicked darkness, great fun.

      • Matthew Tonks – Australia – Like everyone else beyond the lenses of my own eyes, I am also on a journey of self discovery. Each new step I take adds a new brick to the wall of knowledge I build, in a selfish attempt to block out all light. My words come from places my higher self wishes to ignore, and my stories rise up from the bitter bowls of whatever is beneath me. I live to tell you a tale worth telling, all you have to decide is which story it is you want to hear. Once you’ve done that let me know, and together we can journey towards the madness hand in hand!
        Matthew Tonks

        Maybe you should create and get someone to pay you good money to make it happen.. or a short film!

  2. Gesii Bleu – A rustic punk writer with a green heart and neon black soul. As a gothic storyteller, I use dark to illuminate the light. Dreamstate horticulturist, hedge and hearth practitioner, tri-air sign.

    sweet darkness to this one! Just in time for October!

  3. JoyJoyancel – Be you, The world will adjust 💖 "Just remember who you are... The world will try to change you into someone else. Don't let them. That's the best advice anyone can give you." - Cinda Williams Chima, The Warrior Heir New Post Tuesdays and Fridays :-)

    Lol nice 😂😂

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