October In A Cemetery


What kinds of experiences stir emotions for the past within you?


Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso

I found something strange at a cemetery

it was a bright day

a warm day

in October

not to long ago

Photo A.M. Moscoso

I found


of lives

that used to be

haunting a day

a bright day

in October

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Are they there

on the cold nights

on the dark nights

haunting the cemetery

in October?

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Would you like to

come with me

walk with me

in that Cemetery





Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt

” What are you looking at Jingle? ”  Milo Hungerford asked his wife.

Jingle was standing in front of their bathroom mirror with her hairbrush in her hand and she turned slowly towards him and said, ” I don’t know. “

He came up behind her and stared into glass and shook his head.

” That’s not right Jingle. “

She put her hand to her face and looked into the mirror again and when she turned back towards Milo she started to cry. ” Milo what’s happening to me? “

Milo  pulled Jingle to his chest and turned her away from the looking glass.

” Is it still there Milo? “

Milo held Jingle tighter and said, ” yes. “

” The one in the foyer- let’s try that one too. “

” Jingle- it won’t…” he started to say and then when he saw the look on her face he nodded. “okay, we’ll try that one too.”

Milo held his wife’s hand and they walked down the dark halls to the entrance to their home and together they looked into the mirror there and Jingle burst into tears and grabbed her face.

” Oh Milo- oh Milo what’s happening to me? ” she cried.

Milo looked into the mirror and there in the glass he saw his wife holding her hairbrush, her dark hair framing her face- all alone in the  glass except for the darkness that was their home and he turned her gently towards him and said,

” I don’t know how it happened Jingle…but I think you’re alive. “

Vilhelm Hammershøi,

Demonic Kleenex Ads

Clyfford Still

” Do you think this is creepy? ” my friend said in an email with a link to this commercial for Kleenex from Japan.


Probably not I thought before I skipped over the link.

But then I hit play anyway-

just like they do in the movies:

There’s an Urban Legend surrounding this commercial- all the way from the entire crew  is dead and that the actress committed suicide ( not true ) to the story that the baby is a demon ( who knows- evil chuckle ) and to top it off there’s story that the commercial was pulled by public demand because people found it and the weird way the song has been recorded to creepy.

You know, I wish this was the story hitting social media here in the states instead of Creepy Clown hysteria- .

In my mind the scariest things are the things that we ALMOST feel and that we ALMOST hear or see from the corner of our eye.

Just something for you to think about when you try to get to sleep tonight and your nose starts to run

and you reach for that Kleenex.

It’s All In The Eyes

Discover Challenge


This week, look to the bond between human and animal for inspiration.


The reflection of our bond with our animals is reflected in so many ways- but you can see it most clearly  in their eyes.



Photo A.M. Moscoso

This is my Hamish Macbeth’s first day at his new home in the fall of 2014- he had a fiery look in his then yellow eyes and I really liked that. He has always been that confident.

Photo: A.M. Moscoso

Two years later and when I look into Hamish’s eyes I can’t see anything except for love and happiness- knowing that this wonderful creature is looking right at me and seeing expression shining out from his soul  puts where I stand in the Universe into perspective- and it’s truly humbling.

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Hamish has always had a touch of the rogue in him- and this picture captures it perfectly. We were in a moment of puppy rebellion and it shows- it also shows he wasn’t afraid to be who he was in that moment.

Photo A.M. Moscoso (1976)

Sham, my beautiful Malamute.

I was almost 12 years old when I bought him with almost 75.00 in change- literally it was all coins.

I was a kid when I trained him, played with him talked with him. He was my best friend and in his eyes you can see the infinite patience he had for his human girl who was just a puppy herself.

And he never, once used that size or smarts to try to get his way- he was an old soul.

The night he died there was a terrible storm and we lost power for almost two days.

I think that was Sham leaving this world.

Photo: AM. Moscoso

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart- from the day I brought him home I knew he wasn’t just a cat- he was a part of my soul too- he brought me fresh kill when I was sick, stayed by my side when I was sad always answered when I called and he never truly belonged to anyone- we belonged to each other.

This picture was taken two months before he died from Kidney failure at age 17.

Later when I looked back at the pictures I took of him during this time I never realized how determined he looked- he actually lived longer then the Vet expected him too and I think he tried, with everything he had to stay with me.

It’s all right there.

In his eyes.

Photo A.M. Moscoso