It’s All Fun and Games Until Reality Sets In

This morning I thought to myself:

As far as Christmas goes, this was a good one.

It snowed on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day and I didn’t run out of eggnog AND I had fun with the family.

With that being said I was ready for it to be over.

Holidays are hard.

They’re hard all the way from the Prep work to cleanup day and then the guilt for having a good time, or not having enough fun or not buying the right gifts or for buying to much.

So I was at that stage- you know, if you love something set it free, blah, blah, blah… and then I remember that this weekend


comes back.

And by IT I don’t mean the clown from the Stephen King story.

I mean


I’ll ‘fess up.

My reaction to that bit of news was not good.

I facepalmed  myself against a wall a few times and chanted merrily to myself as I sank into an ocean of stars:




Daily Prompt: Confess