The Black Paintings

This is a wonderful piece on the Black Paintings of Goya and in it the author tells us about the which paintings disturbed him the most.

That painting is actually one of my favorites- so after this clip I’ve posted two of the paintings that I’ve found to be the most disturbing.

I’ve always found this painting to be the most disturbing:

Black Painting by Goya
” The Dog “

In this painting the dog is alone in an empty Sea and it is drowning- worse maybe it will never drown. Maybe it will almost drown, alone and  almost drown alone forever.

I’ve been that dog, that’s why I find the painting so disturbing.

I guess I see myself in it.

Black Painting- Goya
” The Fates “

I’ve always found it amusing that lovers claim that “fate” brought them together.

In my mind fate has a cruel streak and a sick sense of humor- and by the way it doesn’t really care who you are or what your desires or wants are.

This painting expresses that.

Black Painting By Goya
Pilgrimage to the Fountain of San Isidro

I don’t find the above painting disturbing but I’ll include it anyway.

What I hear when I see this painting is are questions- were these people crazed looking

before they made their pilgrimage or did it happen along the way- and once they get

there are these pilgrims the ones that were expected?

For the sake of drama with a touch of darkness- I’ll say



Winter In May


Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso

I took these  pictures  in May when we were  on the train to Wisconsin to see our Granddaughter Jemma.

I believe we were passing through Glacier Park at the time.

I’m not a fan of Spring or Summer, so this was a very pleasant surprise- Winter has a cold yet gentle hold on my heart.

I am enchanted by dark winter nights.

I wonder what it looks like up there now-wait, why wonder – this is the interwebs! Here is link so we can see it