No. No. They Did Not Go There

These are examples of the kind of Christmas cards Victorians gave to each other to celebrate Christmas- not Halloween- CHRISTMAS.

You’d look this sad  if you were decapitated and someone stuck a Christmas card in your mouth and then mailed you across town.

Another decapitated dog- but this one looks angry.

Good for him.

Looks like Fido had enough of your Christmas shenanigans Victorians … BOL.

Happy New Year.

In a Flash

Holidailies Prompt: Share some of your favorite pictures from this past year

My Favorite Pictures of


They’re not art and they’re not witty or clever and they don’t make a statement

but they’re my favorites because of the memories they captured.

Photo A.M. Moscoso

My dog Hamish Macbeth and his big brother  Micey. This was taken shortly before Micey died- Micey was almost 17 years old and he and Hamish were always together. We miss you our little Micey.


My granddaughter Jemma- she’s a spirited gal like me! This was from the trip me and Luis took to see our Son and his family in May.

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Taken in Olympia, Washington. I love it when trees look  spooky.

Photo A.M. Moscoso

This was a big day for Hamish Macbeth! Not only did he overcome his fear of getting into cars in 2019 he was officially now unafraid of water now. As you can see, he was ready to swim for it and Luis gave him as much lead as he could so that Hamish could enjoy himself.

Photo A.M. Moscoso

We have a talented sidewalk chalk artist in our neighborhood,  I loved the planets and stars but most of all I loved that drawing of the waving hand. Captain Kirk would be proud.