A Spot of My Own

From Linda G Hill’s Blog: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “spot.” Write whatever image the word “spot” invokes. Have fun!

Photographer Unknown

One second

one minute

one hour

dare I wish for one day

where time stands still and I can hear Mozart or maybe an ice cream trunk

jangling nearby like windchimes in an almost there breeze?

I am always looking for

I am always searching for

I am always hoping for

One spot

where I can stand still

be still

feel the quiet

taste the quite

for one second

one minute

one hour

dare I hope for one day?

Andrew Wyeth, Night Sleeper, 1979. Tempera on panel.

Sweetness Is Hell

Putting My Feet In The Dirt August Writing Prompt#8: Pancake Pandomonium

Layer by layer

placed with care,

waiting for you, waiting for me waiting for the hungry

to climb

steps and stacks



where all demons wait

with forks in claws

in patience, sweet expectation

and painful desire.

Is it time to eat yet?

Please say it is.

We are all starving and so are they.