Dog Days of Summer Music

My Guitar. My dog Hamish. and His Stuffed Eyeball
Photo A.M. Moscoso

I  love music- any kind of music. I tell a lie. I don’t really like a lot of Country Music and most stuff that came out after 1990. But in  pinch I’ll surf around and take in some new things, but I haven’t really been excited about new music for years.

Wow. I sound like my Grandparents. Ouch. That’s not true at all. They were better sports about music then I am now.


Just before Covid-19 forced us into lockdown, I got my nails taken down ( buh bye acrylic nails ) so that I could start to play guitar again and that has been fun. Though sitting alone and playing my guitar over headphones and a small amp instead of my  Vox is sort of a buzz kill, but at least I’m playing again.

I started playing when I was 12 and that was back in the day when ‘girl guitar players’ were more of a novelty then anything else. But I didn’t care. I just liked to play. I still do. A lot.

For Fandango’s Dog Days of August #17 Prompt : Music  I’ve  posted some clips of songs that I like to listen to before I write or when I just want something to sing along too because my dog does that head tilt thing and then he brings me toys to shut me up.

Just as a side note, the Snoopy Song  I’ve posted was my personal theme song when I was kid and I used to sit in my cherry tree with my musical snoopy dog and sing it at the top of my lungs and purposefully off key because YOU try to sing and make airplane noises too,  until someone from my family turned the hose on me to try to get me to stop.


It didn’t work.
