After All

Putting My Feet in the Dirt December Prompt:  #6 The Stage Was Set

Photo by Simon Matzinger on

I trimmed the tree

I decorated the halls, I put Christmas carols on the stereo I spent a few hours with

Charles Dickens.

I even wrote out some Christmas cards.

I took my dog for a walk and we watched the stars and he found a giant stick

that was as big as he is.


I laughed.


But it was an empty and hallow laugh, so we went home and we slid a little and had to walk slow because the  sidewalk  was iced over.


At least it was warm when we got inside and our home smelled like apples and all of the lights except for the Christmas tree lights were on.


I guess if I had to say I was waiting to have a good day and I thought that chance had passed me by,  I had one after all.

