I used to love to send out Christmas cards- I sent them to my family, some of my friends it was fun.

I liked to pick out cards that sort of showed where I was at- was I feeling Victorian and old fashioned that year? Was I thinking about Snow? Was I sending simple basic cards because I had spent time trying to simplify my life ( oh, ha, ha, ha that is always good for about five minutes here and there over the year)

Then it got complicated.

I started to get E-Cards and then I got the animated cards and then I got things on my FB Wall that danced and sang and rolled their eyes around and snowed all over the place.

I managed to learn some ’emoji” but I hated the e-cards because IF I could get them to work they were full of advertisements- which is like getting junk mail that lives forever and I don’t know about you but I hate junk mail.

Especially Zombie Junk mail.

As a rule, I hate Zombies in ALL of their forms- nasty things.

I dirgress- my point is  you can’t hang e-cards up or put them on tables or next to trays of cookies or on your mantelpiece.

It is very sad.

Holiday Cards have passed out of style I guess.

I still send a few cards out- but I wonder if anyone really cares about them anymore or if after they open them they just stand there with it in their hand and wonder what to do with it because who gets mail with stamps on them anymore?

Christmas is supposed to be about wishes and hopes and dreams and here is one of mine:

I hope that one day getting Christmas cards is part of the holiday fun again- and that they are attached to boxes of cookies and homemade candy.

Something’s can’t be sent as an attachment through email.

And in my opinion they shouldn’t be because where is the fun in that?


Christmas Special (2017 ) Writing Prompt #5

Christmas Cards

2 thoughts on “C O D

  1. basykes – California – Retired grandma, journaling/blogging daily since March 2000. In real life a theater critic, dog mom, internet addict.

    My problem with Christmas cards (which I used to love) was that the cards are so expensive and postage is ridiculous if you send out a lot of cards. I used to send ~100 which today is nearly $50 in postage alone. Then add the cost of buying the card and, for me, the cost of printing a Christmas letter. It’s tacky, but now I write a Christmas letter and post it on my blog and then send people links to it, if they want to read it. (http://funnytheworld.com/2017/Xmas2017.htm , if you’re interested). People seem to have adjusted to it. We get a handful of cards, but nothing like we did 10 years ago.

    • What a great letter- it was heart felt and not a series of “soundbites”.
      Thank you so much for sharing it here.

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