She’s Kidding, Right?

Last year I felt like my entire life was a work in progress.

For the most part, I went where I wanted to go, said what I wanted to say and did what I wanted to do.

That being the case I have decided to take ’18 off.

Just kidding.

You know what I forgot to add to that?

Having fun and settling scores.

Those things go together like peanut butter and chocolate, strawberries and champagne, Frankenstein and his Monster.

Welcome to 2018.

It should be a scream.

Yes. Really. I Had Fun.

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Oh. Yeah. What did I do on New Years Eve.

Well. It’s like this.

Not much.

I played with my dog, ate a bunch of food and listened to a lot of music- Abba, Mozart, , Tom Waits and my favorite radio program- ” The Strange Seeker ” and I wrote a lot.

I wish I could have done something more exciting, but really- what’s more exciting and more satisfying then doing exactly what you want?

I’ve learned that valuable lesson from my dog.

Hamish lives in the moment and when something upsets him he grabs his favorite toy and chews the bejesus out of it until he feels better  then he gets on with the rest of his life.

Photo A.M. Moscoso

It would be cool to be able to go somewhere exotic, maybe a little dangerous for New Years Eve- but until I NASA gets it together and finds a way to get us to Europa without having Jupiter’s radiation belts  fry our cells the minute we show up to pop open the champagne I guess I’ll stay earthbound and continue to have a little fun…

my way.


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