The Revenant’s Confession


I was the shadow at the top of the stairs

I was that cool breeze that turned your blood cold

I was the dark under your bed

nesting in your closet

when you hoped to God you were really alone.


I was there when you reached out into to the darkness

felt along the wall and turned the light on

I was the nothing that night in your room.


I was with you before you fell asleep

I watched your eyes close

I watched your breathing slow



I watched it




Photo A.M. Moscoso

Daily Prompt: Mystery


B/W Photo Challenge Day #5

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Yesterday was Halloween, today is the Day of The Dead.

If I have taken anything away from Halloween, The Day of the Dead and All Souls Day it’s this- no matter how abandoned a house may look, how lifeless deadfall may look, how dried and on the road to full decay the leaves that are being pushed along the ground by the chilliest of winds is-

you are not seeing these things alone-

something is looking back at you, something is walking along side you, something is trying to whisper into your ear.

Today my B/W Photo Challenge Response was an attempt to express that feeling.


I’ve titled these pictures:

” I’m Still Here”