PS I Hate Your Guts

Yesterday I was watching the news, and one of the health experts that was being interviewed suggested that when families from different households get together over the holidays that they eat before they get together and just enjoy the company- while wearing masks and maintaining social distancing- and of course people who are high risk should probably not be there.

You know, the holidays are going to be bust and I’ll probably skip it this year. Besides I am notorious for buying the wrong gifts and not cooking the right foods and always showing up on the scruffy side because I manage to not wear the right thing too.

I am tired of this stupid life and this stupid world and I am tired of idiots screeching for their ‘freedoms’ and I am tired of encouraging people who are doing the right things.

I  hate this life we have with abandon- for some reason my enthusiasm for that has not waivered.

RDP Wednesday – FATIGUE