On The Nose

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Sense of Smelling



Their sense of smell is unsurpassed

in the animal kingdom.

Good thing they aren’t for real-right?

So let’s be real quiet and sneak by these guys ( they are real and they live in the dark and I’m guessing they do have a great sense of smell )and I’ll give you some examples of monsters with an uncanny sense of smell.

Photo A.M. Moscoso

The Werewolf:

Photo A.M. Moscoso


Photo A.M. Moscoso

From New Orleans  Voodoo Museum– these guys:

Photo A.M. Moscoso

And there you have it…I hope you enjoyed this post because I did have a lot of fun taking these pictures.


Four Heartbeats

Fandango’s Friday Flashback — May 22

Last May at this time I was headed to Wisconsin by train and my posts during that time were mostly just pictures- so I went to October 22  instead because October is my favorite month and I figured I would find something tasty and I did.

Here is ” Four Heartbeats “



I can hear it breathing
I can hear it moving around in it’s nest
it is restless,

it is thirsty

and it is so dark tonight


I don’t care, I must escape!


The window is only four heartbeats from where I am hiding right now
and anything- absolutely anything is better then being trapped
so close to that thing whose face is covered in streams of yellow and green mucus and the remains of it last unfortunate meal.


It smells like a sewer where legions of rats have lived and died, have I mentioned that?


It’s above my head, close enough for me to reach up and touch, worse I am close enough to hear the sweat dripping from it’s pores.
Stay quiet, stay still says the small voice in my head-that voice is my last shred of sanity. I should listen to it.


I don’t care if it touches me, if it gets close enough for me to smell it
I want out of here.
Four heartbeats and I’m free.


I slide, I crawl I cower and then…

” Mommy!” the hideous monster above me screams

I want a drink of water! PLEASE I just want a drink of water!” it screeches again.

“Mommy…I’m so thirsty! I’m dying ’cause I’m so THIRSTY.”


” If only.” I sob. “If only.”


I Slither back under the bed and I let my tail stroke my cheek. I hold my horns for comfort. I pray to my Dark Lord for strength and just a little courage and I wait for that creature called Lindy to fall asleep and I try to hold my breath for a little while longer.


Please let it close it’s eyes and it’s foul smelling mouth
it has to fall asleep soon-
doesn’t it?

Wake Up, It’s Sunset

Light Motifs II-Thursday Inspiration 57-SUNSET

Photo A.M. Moscoso

” Is anyone up there?  It’s sunset! ”
Someone howled from beneath my feet.

Photo A.M. Moscoso

“Be with you in a sec. ” I answered with a growl

Photo A.M. Moscoso

and with a voice full of darkness

I said  to the voice beneath my feet

” It’s going to be killer to see you.”

Photo A.M. Moscoso

I looked up into the Sunset

I looked down

into the Earth

and then I started to dig.