The Window

For Experience Writing: If These Bones Could Talk

The Odiham pest house, which dates from the early 1620’s is unusual in that it was built in the south west corner of the churchyard of All Saints Odiham- Photogrpaher Unknown

It’s not the poor Souls who were left in the Plague Houses to die without the comfort of their family- their beloved dogs or cats or even something as simple as having the comfort of facing the dark unknown from their own beds that haunt me.

The idea that haunts me is that there is a Plague House ( or pest house ) that was built in the corner of a churchyard near a cemetery.

Instead of the dying drawing solace from knowing that just outside their windows, on the other side of their bedroom wall was their world and it was close enough to touch- and that maybe, just maybe they might be able to go back it.

In that world they had gardens, maybe their best friend lived next door, maybe their first love lived a few houses down, instead of those comforting thoughts, all the residents of the Cemetery Pest House knew for certain was that on the other side of that wall was a cemetery and that in time, that was where they were going to be moved.

The only thing on the other side of their walls now were boxes of bones covered in dirt and dead flowers.

I’m not sure whose idea it was to build the Pest House near a cemetery, but I  wonder why- of all things- did it have a window over looking  a graveyard.

The Odiham pest house, which dates from the early 1620’s is unusual in that it was built in the south west corner of the churchyard of All Saints Odiham

My Wolfgang

Daily Prompt: Describe a family member.

Artist Unknown

He had light blue eyes

and a stocky build

when he was angry he would growl under his breath

sometimes he was friendly and loving and sometimes he acted like I wasn’t alive

but when I need him the most

Wolfgang has always appeared at my side:

Photo A.M. Moscoso
Born 1991-Died July 2007

Wolfgang 1991
Photo A.M. Moscoso