The Questionable Political Career of Guy Palumbo

I am a writer.

I was  a writer long before I was married and I am still, first and foremost still a writer.

My stories- the fiction, the non-fiction, the poems and even my photographs are all based in part on my own life experiences. I have been putting the  bulk of my work  consistently on line  since the late 90’s and  by doing that became a public figure long before Luis became an elected official.

My life is literally an open book and for the most part I’ve written that book. Additional chapters were written by others and that was okay in my world. To  another  degree I’ve also come to understand that stories take on a  life of their own.

Stories are powerful and dangerous tools

A few years ago a story was created with the singular purpose to destroy the life and political career of a good man in order to install a man named Guy Palumbo  with zero  verifiable experience, zero character into Office.

Why? Because Guy Palumbo’s campaign was funded by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and the Washington State Democratic party wanted a taste of that Amazon money in their campaign coffers.

It’s called ‘surplusing’ and if Palumbo thinks that he was ‘preferred’ because of his political  savvy he is as naive as the individuals in the First LD  who chased Palumbo down the rabbit hole.

The link to how the story that was created to not only destroy Luis’ career- but to tarnish our sons lives as well follows  at this close.

This story is a sobering reminder that you can bury the truth, you can spin the truth but the will out.


Sometimes We Get It Wrong: Luis Moscoso v. Guy Palumbo

It Really Is That Simple


From The Article :

In this instance, what occurred led the chairwoman of the Snohomish County Republican Party on Monday to demand that an executive of the county Democratic Party resign and the party’s leader apologize for the spread of falsehoods online about a GOP member.

The Republican party leader is not going to get what she seeks, although it’s pretty clear the Democrats’ portrayal of events does not sync with reality.

Back in the day we called that LIEING.

False claims online ignite a snit among local party leaders


For your consideration:

One who gets up in a Public forum and refers to a Democratic Representative as an ” Asshole ” is probably not above slamming  an  individual from the opposing Party in foul and crass terms.

Take It For The Team

I have written at great length about the negative, hateful and personal attacks that Guy Palumbo waged against my family in seeking election to become Washington State  Senator for the First Legislative District.

Its an attack his supporters feel necessary to still wage despite the fact Luis is not running against Palumbo now.

Regardless of that fact, recently at a political meeting one of Palumbo’s supporters ( who also is a State Committee Man for our District)was saying “Moscoso needs to stop beating women”

Palumbo for his own special reasons has chosen to continue to spread these libelous claims. Perhaps he feels it is necessary to diminish Luis in order to elevate his own standing.

As it stands, Palumbo’s character and integrity is being questioned now and wherever he ends up after November 8th it will continue to be questioned.

I am sure that most of this bile is rising up in the throats of Palumbo’s ‘supporters’  because our family did not take to our knee for Palumbo and joyfuly endorse and work to seeing him be elected.

This is the mindset that we’ve been faced with by a few party loyalists who apparently care more about gaining a seat then who is sitting in it.
Again my family who as individuals are still having to deal with Palumbo’s Dirty Campaign tactics are being called upon again to “take it for the team” by a  Palumbo Supporter:



Rep. Luis Moscoso Responds to the above comment:

 It’s amazing that anyone would consider my refusal to support Guy Palumbo as a “protest vote” or a “grudge.” Guy Palumbo took the 1st LD Democratic Senate Primary into the gutter with his scurrilous rumors about me and my extended family.

As to concerns about the “policies actually at stake” – when were they ever truly addressed? There was no candidate debate or forum. Just lies – yes, “LIES” – by Palumbo, his LD supporters and his Charter School PAC financiers.

My integrity and the Truth is more important to me than just winning a Senate seat for an unscrupulous politician who pretends to be a Democrat.


In closing I would like to state the obvious:

Anyone who demands that one puts FAMILY  AFTER  political rhetoric needs to check their priorities or lack thereof.

Palumbo has no right to demand a vote, an endorsement party loyalty or call upon anybody to do anything  for the greater good when he so clearly lacks the ability to DO THIS HIMSELF.

Every vote counts and I voted and endosed the better candidate for the right reasons.

May you be free to do the same.

A.M. Moscoso

To Read About Palumbo’s Attacks on My Family Please Go HERE


Daily Post


It’s My Party and I’ll Call It Out If I Want To

Stand For Children and their checkbook had devastating consequences in the 2016 Primary in the First Legislative District in Washington State.

Supporting Stand For Children’s “democratic” candidate because Democrats feel they need to “save the seat for Democrats”is a forgone conclusion

First LD Democrats  need to wise up to the fact we  that lost  seat  when Palumbo advanced to the General- with Stand For Children pulling his leash.

I’ve  been told that the Republican Party considers the seat “won” No matter who wins  the seat in the First LD General.

Part of that certainty, I’ve been told from reliable sources,  came from Palumbo himself.

I supported and endorsed a Republican, (Mindie Wirth)for this seat because she ran a clean, open and honest campaign.

Guy Palumbo did NONE of those things.

Mindie did- she has been honest about her positions and who she is since she began her campaign

I could have cast my vote silently for Mindie, or been a party person and voted for Palumbo or silently no voted and took it for the team.

However, I know that Mindie will put the First above Party…and in turn I felt I confident I could reach across part lines to support her.

Please consider doing the same.