The Block Party Incident

RDP Tuesday: Reconciliation

I  like people because my dog likes people.

He likes everybody no matter what I think of them, but there are a few times where he was put off by someone and wanted nothing to do with them and I figured they were serial killers or something monstrous like that.

However, there was also one time Hamish’s love and faith in humanity were tested.

During the Summer me and Hamish were at a block party and one of the Dad’s decided to take sneak up on his son and his friends ( the kids were around 7 or 8 ) with a Super Soaker.

I saw him weaving his way around some trees and acting sort of stalkerish  and I was ready for the Super Soaking to commence when Hamish ( my dog ) got on the pathway between the Dad with the Water Gun and the kids.

Hamish’s Hackles went up, he bared his teeth and for the first time in his life ( he was about 6 years old at the time ) he growled. He sounded like one of those big giant trucks that my friend calls ” Bro-Dozers ”

I thought the Dad would be really angry- but Hamish didn’t charge and he didn’t move. He just stood there like Cerberus at the Gates of Hell and honestly in that moment I didn’t recognize my own dog.

” Hey! ” the Dad called to his friends, ” Did you see this dog protect the kids? Damn! Anyone tries to hurt them  and this dog is going to shred them. ”

Before I could say anything the Dad threw in a hearty ” Good BOY!”

Once Hamish saw the Dad relax, once he heard his voice and I guess decided we were all cool, he wagged his tail and made a new friend. Hamish looked at me during this little bonding moment and he looked super happy- like at that moment his faith in humanity, which had been shaken was restored.

Hamish did spend the rest of the day around the kids- which was new for him because we don’t have a lot of little kids in our life, but nobody seemed to mind.

It made Hamish happy to do it, so I was happy too.


Hamish Macbeth
Photo A.M. Moscoso

Me and Nicky

Mount Baker, Washington State
Photographer Unknown

The day trip that my family took to Mount Baker was memorable for two reasons.

My Mom and Dad’s families aren’t what you would call the outdoors type. Roughing it was not their idea of fun, but they did enjoy the easy hikes so that is why we probably ended up on Mount Baker.

To add to our out of ordinary trip, our cousin John brought Nicky, his Saint Bernard who was as big as a horse and a Champion show dog. John had got Nicky in 1969 and by 1973 when we took the trip me and my brother and sister had grown up with Nicky.

I was about 10 years old at the time and because Nicky had been so little when he first came into the family I honestly had no concept about how big he was. He was just Nicky the puppy to us-this little detail will factor into my story in a bit.

That aside, Nicky was so well trained that yes, a little 10 year old girl who was used to dogs could handle him. Even my little sister could walk him and she was a tiny squirt.

The second thing that made it memorable was that my Dad and his cousin John told me that a lady in a wheel chair was near the lookout point and that the brake on her wheel chair failed and she went careening down the hillside to the road below where they had just constructed a road- and that the cement was still wet.

In great detail, including sound effects, they told me that when she plunged into the cement she sank so deep that they couldn’t get her out, so they left here there.

In case you’re curious, they were always telling me whoppers like that- where do you think I got my story telling style from?

I looked at the road below and I looked at my Dad and his Cousin. I held my hand out for Nicky’s leash and asked if I could walk him and John handed me the leash and off we went.

Nicklus- Owner My Dad’s Cousin John Cox. Nicky as we called him, become the breed’s most-titled (at the time) with American and Canadian Champion titles and American and Canadian Utility Dog (UD) obedience titles. Photo from the early 1970’s

I’m not sure how it happened but on our way down to the trail where the lady in the wheel chair was supposed to be buried in cement, me and Nicky got turned around and when I went to back track back up the hill, we ended up in the wrong place and it took me five seconds to realize I had just got me and my Nicky- who was EFFING FAMOUS in the Dog Show world LOST.

I wasn’t worried about getting eaten by a mountain lion, or falling down the side of the mountain. I was worried that if I didn’t get Nicky back my family was going to find me and kill me.

I’d probably end up buried next to the lady in the wheelchair.

Just as I was about to resign myself to this grim fate , a lady and her three kids came up on us and I told her, ” We’re lost. ”

She took one look at Nicky, threw her arms around her children and started to scream like Bigfoot had just dropped out of a tree and was about to drag them into a cave and eat them all alive.

” Oh my God, my God, my God that dog is gigantic- get him away from us- go on shoo- shoo!”

Nicky didn’t react to her screaming or arm waving. He didn’t even budge when one of her kids broke lose from her grasp, ran up to Nicky, grabbed his face and said ” Wow are his ears BIG.” the little boy sort of rocked Nicky’s head from side to side and said ” and they’re floppy too! ”

Super Mom flew threw the sky, grabbed her now saliva drenched child ( it’s a Saint Bernard thing- they drool A LOT. )  and then she ran up the trail without looking back at us.

The women in my family weren’t what you’d call warm and fuzzy and I think that some of them didn’t even really like children. But no way in hell would they have left a little girl all alone on the side of a mountain in the woods with her dog after she had just told them she was lost.

I looked at Nicky and he looked at me and as much of dingbat as I was most of the time I wasn’t stupid, so we followed her- it was easy to track her because she was yelling . This happened over 40 years ago so I don’t remember what she was yelling, but I think she may  have been screaming “help” .

Nicky used to do that bow before he took his jump. He’d wiggle his but and then boom- off he’d go. I’m not sure he got points for being creative, but he should have.

As a kid I thought me and Nicky had been lost FOREVER, but when we got to where the trail started ( thank you screaming lady ) my Family were standing around taking pictures. They didn’t seem like they had lost a child and their dog.

I think they actually had a clear view of us and in my panic I hadn’t noticed them.

” Did you find where she went in? ” my Dad asked.

The Screaming Lady was still screaming about the Monster Dog on the trail and that somebody needed to get the Park Ranger out there NOW.

My Dad and John looked from the very emotionally distraught lady to me and to Nicky and then back to her again. It was too good to pass up. John and my Dad were trying so hard to not laugh they were practically crying.

” Anita.  Did you see any monster dogs? ” my Dad finally managed to say.

I heaved this heavy sigh. Tugged on Nicky’s leash and we headed back down the trail in search of a Monster Dog and the final resting place of a lady buried in cement.

Famous Hamish

Hamish Macbeth
Photo P.C. Knapp

This is my dog, the world famous Hamish Macbeth.

If he could collect people, he would be in a hoarding situation and the city would probably have to step in and ‘help him’ care for his beloved pets.

I’m not kidding and I’m not exaggerating.

Hamish is really into humans. He thinks we are so cool and cute and lovable and when you look into his eyes you will see they are oozing with love for you.

He likes cats too. I mean REALLY likes them. My neighbor’s cat Lucy is his girlfriend and when they get together they groom each other- well, kiss and when he’s with Lucy I think he forgets the world around him. It’s really sweet to see.

He brings her toys too. But he takes them back. He loves her but I guess even the World Famous Hamish Macbeth has his limits.

Hamish and friend
A.M. Moscoso

This is me ( well, 2022 me ).

Me by Me

I am not a people person. I’m not even that comfortable around people but I am courteous and I’m not mean spirited. To be honest sometimes after I am some social situations I feel like I’ve run a marathon and all I want to do is que up some Mozart or ELO and air out my brain.

Hamish Macbeth
Photo A.M. Moscoso

Now,because of Hamish Macbeth, I  now stop and talk to people on our walks and trips to the dog park.  I even have dinner parties and holiday parties because he enjoys them so much.

I have to be social and smile and mean it, because he will KNOW if I’m not into it and he will stare into my face and wag his tail until I lighten up and engage.

But when I think about it, it gives me joy to see my dog  so in love with people.

I guess at some level I’m glad that even though I may be a dark little cloud floating around a sunny blue sky my dog- The World Famous Hamish Macbeth is outgoing and engaging and loves people and life and the energy they give off.

My Counselor said that because I am the one constant presence in Hamish’s life and I do think he’s the best dog in the world and have loved him and shown him patience and kindness since he came home with me at 11 weeks of age, he’s grown up thinking people are pretty damn grand. So why wouldn’t Hamish now  think ALL people are great.

I pointed out that because Hamish is the constant in my life and he has shown me nothing but kindness and love and understanding his entire life and he thinks people are pretty damn grand and special, in all probability

I think I’m starting to think that too.


Word of the Day Challenge:  Compersion

Hamish Had An Idea

My niece babysat Hamish this weekend and in the picture below are the same two toys out of the HUNDREDS ( he literally owns hundreds )  that he brought to her when she got there in the morning to take care of him.
Here is the skinny on  the toys in the picture.
The orange one is his Sea Horse. That’s my favorite toy. Whenever he brings it to me I say, ” Hamish it’s your Sea Pony! This is the best toy in the world!” Then I kiss it and hug it and keep it near me.
The other one is his Christmas toy, I make it sing for him- mostly songs I make up that feature his name and favorite words like “treat” and “walk” and “good boy” I don’t know why, but he really does like it when I sing to him.
So over the entire weekend Hamish would bring the same two toys  to Pualani, sit and look into her face like this:

Photo of Hamish By
P. Knapp

That intense look on his face is there for a reason.

When I’m teaching Hamish a new command or I want his attention right now  I tap the side of my nose and say, ” Hamish look “

I’m pretty sure Hamish was trying to tell Pualani something, he wanted her full attention  and my good boy fell back on his training to get his point across.

Hamish wanted his Mommy.

You know. I think my Hamish may have missed me last weekend- just a little.

Photo of Hamish Macbeth by P Knapp