The Questionable Political Career of Guy Palumbo

I am a writer.

I was  a writer long before I was married and I am still, first and foremost still a writer.

My stories- the fiction, the non-fiction, the poems and even my photographs are all based in part on my own life experiences. I have been putting the  bulk of my work  consistently on line  since the late 90’s and  by doing that became a public figure long before Luis became an elected official.

My life is literally an open book and for the most part I’ve written that book. Additional chapters were written by others and that was okay in my world. To  another  degree I’ve also come to understand that stories take on a  life of their own.

Stories are powerful and dangerous tools

A few years ago a story was created with the singular purpose to destroy the life and political career of a good man in order to install a man named Guy Palumbo  with zero  verifiable experience, zero character into Office.

Why? Because Guy Palumbo’s campaign was funded by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and the Washington State Democratic party wanted a taste of that Amazon money in their campaign coffers.

It’s called ‘surplusing’ and if Palumbo thinks that he was ‘preferred’ because of his political  savvy he is as naive as the individuals in the First LD  who chased Palumbo down the rabbit hole.

The link to how the story that was created to not only destroy Luis’ career- but to tarnish our sons lives as well follows  at this close.

This story is a sobering reminder that you can bury the truth, you can spin the truth but the will out.


Sometimes We Get It Wrong: Luis Moscoso v. Guy Palumbo

My Grandparents Used To Be …

This is me, Anita Marie.

A long time ago I used to live in Hawaii and then we moved to Seattle.

I climbed trees lot. I even climbed them when the branches were covered with snow. I always made it to the top.

This is Luis.

He grew up in Iowa and used to raft on the Mississippi River. He used to climb trees during lightening storms. He used to get up into those branches as well.

He ended up in Seattle too.

We are about to meet our first Grandchild, Jemma.

I think she is destined to climb trees too.

I hope she makes it to the top like me and Luis did.
