Famous Hamish

Hamish Macbeth
Photo P.C. Knapp

This is my dog, the world famous Hamish Macbeth.

If he could collect people, he would be in a hoarding situation and the city would probably have to step in and ‘help him’ care for his beloved pets.

I’m not kidding and I’m not exaggerating.

Hamish is really into humans. He thinks we are so cool and cute and lovable and when you look into his eyes you will see they are oozing with love for you.

He likes cats too. I mean REALLY likes them. My neighbor’s cat Lucy is his girlfriend and when they get together they groom each other- well, kiss and when he’s with Lucy I think he forgets the world around him. It’s really sweet to see.

He brings her toys too. But he takes them back. He loves her but I guess even the World Famous Hamish Macbeth has his limits.

Hamish and friend
A.M. Moscoso

This is me ( well, 2022 me ).

Me by Me

I am not a people person. I’m not even that comfortable around people but I am courteous and I’m not mean spirited. To be honest sometimes after I am some social situations I feel like I’ve run a marathon and all I want to do is que up some Mozart or ELO and air out my brain.

Hamish Macbeth
Photo A.M. Moscoso

Now,because of Hamish Macbeth, I  now stop and talk to people on our walks and trips to the dog park.  I even have dinner parties and holiday parties because he enjoys them so much.

I have to be social and smile and mean it, because he will KNOW if I’m not into it and he will stare into my face and wag his tail until I lighten up and engage.

But when I think about it, it gives me joy to see my dog  so in love with people.

I guess at some level I’m glad that even though I may be a dark little cloud floating around a sunny blue sky my dog- The World Famous Hamish Macbeth is outgoing and engaging and loves people and life and the energy they give off.

My Counselor said that because I am the one constant presence in Hamish’s life and I do think he’s the best dog in the world and have loved him and shown him patience and kindness since he came home with me at 11 weeks of age, he’s grown up thinking people are pretty damn grand. So why wouldn’t Hamish now  think ALL people are great.

I pointed out that because Hamish is the constant in my life and he has shown me nothing but kindness and love and understanding his entire life and he thinks people are pretty damn grand and special, in all probability

I think I’m starting to think that too.


Word of the Day Challenge:  Compersion