Last Night


Albert Birkle (Austrian, 1900-1986)
The Last Houses (“Big City”), 1922

For the past couple of weeks I’ve been having dreams ( though I guess you could call them nightmares ) about being lost.

In my dreams I find myself lost in cities and buildings that I don’t recognize. Sometimes there is someone there with me- here is the interesting thing- the people in my dreams are either driving the vehicle in the city I am lost in,  or working in the building that I am lost in and they never seem to be of much help. They seem to be confused by my questions.

It’s like they expect me to know where I am. Why can’t I see what they see.

In my dream I work look for clues to where I am-  street signs, addresses on buildings, what kind of plates are on the cars? What language or accents do the people I run into have?

Are they really human? I ask myself. Are they ghosts?

The last dream I had I found myself in a museum- at least that’s what it looked like.

I was in the middle of a ruined city houses in a big building- the ceiling was metal, I could see the rivets in the walls. It was like someone took this place and put it in a box.

I found a man looking up at the ceiling ( the sky ) and when I asked him where I was he said, ” the sky has died  ”

Then he sat down and turned into a cast of a figure I know very well-

Photo A.M. Moscoso Pompeii Exhibit 2015

I’m sure if you understand dreams this would be an easy one to figure out.

On the other hand, I go to sleep and get lost in strange places and the feeling I wake up with is-

that was quite an adventure.