I Was There

RDP Tuesday: Pets
I’ve run across several articles where Veterinarians are asking people to please be there with your pet if you have made the heartbreaking decision to, ” let them go”.
Animals know when their time has come- frankly I think that they can see what we can’t, so I believe that 100%- but in the articles it said that these pets are looking for their families before they leave.
I was there for my Cerberus- she fell  seriously ill and it was very unexpected. So I made the choice to let her go.


I told her she was going to sleep and that when she woke up she would be with her brother Wolfgang . I promised her that she was going to be able to run and play and that I would come find her and her brother.

Then I told her I loved her.

Photo A.M. Moscoso

The last words Cerbie heard on this Earth was her Mommy telling her she loved her.

My voice. She took that with her into the next world.

I know if you are ever faced with this choice and you’re not sure you can do this- you can. Just remember your pet, that piece of your heart, the last thing they heard on this Earth was you saying you loved them.

You won’t regret that moment. Ever.

With my Cerbie – We didn’t say good-bye. I told her I love her. Those were the last words she heard- September 17, 2012 Lynnwood, WA