“Do not interact w/James today,”

The police found a note in their search of the murder victim’s home that said:

“Do not interact w/James today,”

It is assumed that the note referred to her alleged killer, former Bothell, Washington Councilman James Mcneal.

Former Bothell City Council member James Mcneal

James Mcneal belonged to the same Legislative District I used to live in, so when he first ran for office I would see him at Political events.

I remember watching him scan the room  as most politicos do at these things but what I remember about James is that when he focused on somebody and then walked towards them, I would tilt my head down- just a little and wait-

for what?

I don’t know.

What I do know is that I didn’t like what I saw.

Everyone saw this big confident guy striding across the room to do the meet and greet but I was seeing something else and I could not put my finger on what that was.

But when I saw James McNeal around I stayed away from him and I hated it, just hated it when he was standing behind me or anyone else for that matter.

Sometimes you hear that little voice in your head that warns you when something isn’t a good idea or when something is dangerous and in that split second it is suggesting reconsidering your options.

I write about Monsters all of the time, so maybe – and this is only just an idea- the voice I heard was my writer’s voice and it wasn’t whispering in my ear that I was near something monstrous and bad.

It was screaming.

FOWC: Aggravated