Flossing and Popcorn

Word Of The Day Challenge: POP CORN

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

I’m one of those adults that got hooked on the kid’s TV show Bluey.

My Granddaughter Jemma  introduced me to Bluey on my last trip out to visit her and there were  two things I saw that I l loved.

First were two characters that Bluey and here sister play- they’re two Grannies named Rita and Janet.

The second was this dance that Bluey and Bingo do called ” Floss ” I’ll have to admit I didn’t know ” Floss” was a real thing.

The reason I liked ithat skit from Bluey  so much was that it reminded me of this crazy dance to a crazy song that my Dad liked.

For the most part I loved my parent’s taste in music- but this one was a bridge to far for me. It was called ” Popcorn ”

One of these days I might show Jemma that old video of ” Pop Corn “, but right now she thinks I’m cool and I’d like to keep it that way.