Road Killer

From Experience Writing: Writober Picture Prompt

Artist: Casey Weldon

I was driving home from the gym, it was early morning and the pumpkin an cornfields were dusted with frost.

As I sped along, I passed one dead deer on the side of the road, and then another and another and another.

I came to a stop and put my car into park.  I felt like I should turn back, but then I convinced I myself I was just being silly, so I put my car back into drive and moved quietly, carefully along the road.

I held my breath as I drove.

Up ahead I saw a tow truck, I saw a blue pickup truck on it’s side. As I passed the trucks I saw the front end of the pickup truck. It’swindshield was smashed in and covered with gore. I saw the truck from the medical examiners office ( they’re tombstone gray in our county ) parked a little ways behind the blue pickup truck.

There were crows sitting on a fence near the M.E.’s truck and they were as silent and still as statues.

I guessed the truck had hit the deer and after it was done hitting one deer after another, the driver must have lost control of the truck and ended up on it’s side in the field.

I didn’t ask myself why someone would ram a bunch of deer on the side of the road. Hunters in my hometown are hunting for deer heads. They don’t even pretend to be hunting for venison.  I guess you could call them thrill killers.

I looked forward towards the middle of the road so I wouldn’t think about the deer or the truck driver cooling in the Medical Examiner’s truck and that’s when  I saw the rabbit.

It was white and it had  three black marks running down the front of it’s face.

I came to a stop and the rabbit looked at me and twitched it’s nose. Then it got up on it’s toes and it didn’t hop away. It walked with it’s back arched up.

Then it stopped and looked right at me.

It opened it’s little mouth and I’m not sure if it growled or it hissed.

But for no reason at all, I’m thinking it was laughing.

Fountains of Spew

WP Daily Writing Prompt: What’s the biggest risk you’d like to take — but haven’t been able to?

Gertrude Abercrombie

I want to be one of those people who get away with opening their mouths and spewing verbal vomit all over the place because, ” they tell it like it is ” or ” they speak their mind ” or ” they’re salty”

Or ‘ they’ve always had an acerbic wit ‘

But that’s a risk I’ haven’t been able to take because the truth is, in this world there are people who can say whatever the Hell they want because they have family or friends who will stand there as those chunks of spew fly into their faces because maybe, just maybe if they eat that crap when it’s their turn to spew,  someone will stand there and chuckle and say- ” oh, they just speak their mind.”

I don’t have anyone like that in my life- nobody that I know will excuse me for being a jerk.

So until that time, this is not a risk I will be taking.


Mischief Night, 1994 by Andrew Wyeth 

On the night before Halloween-

If a Witch were standing outside my window- and she was dressed from head to toe in black, if she were holding a broom in one hand and sitting on her shoulder was a cat named Harley and she said she was there to grant me three wishes, what would I ask for?

Why. That’s Easy Peasy.

I’d ask her to fly away with her cat to my neighbor’s house down the street and I would wish that she would offer my remaining two wishes to her instead.

Then I would steal down the street, shrouded in the Witch’s shadow, to my Neighbor’s house and I would watch her gobble up those two remaining wishes without chewing on them- she would just swallow them whole.

Wishes taste like caramel- something about that burnt sugar is irresistible to the tongue and people devour them before they wrapper is even off.

Maybe a few hours later, maybe a month later I would watch those two poisoned wishes blossom and bloom- and as they did I would hear a voice at my shoulder say, ” Oh you are a wicked thing, you are a crafty little devil you. ”

And I would reply indeed I am I am a wicked little thing and a crafty   Devil to boot and all of us know that  Mischief Night isn’t just a date on the calander- it’s a way of life.