Winter In My Heart

RDP Thursday: ORB

Today in the Winter Solstice which means that the Sun, that big  Orb  of fiery death that our planet twirls around  like a ballerina jacked up on caffeine spends less time in the sky then normal.

It’s also the first day of winter.

AI Art By Cursejourney

I am ambivalent about the Winter Solstice.

I like it that the day is dark and short. I like that ALOT.

Some of my friends have these great solstice parties, they make great food, dress up and celebrate nature and the old ways.

I’m not sure what’s so great about the old ways, because back when they weren’t the old ways but standard operating procedure there was about a million things that could kill you before Noon- but hey, that’s me just being snarky. Ignore it.

I think Winter Solstice celebrations are fun, people who celebrate it give it their all and really, that’s great.

I tried to go traditional in my efforts to celebrate Christmas  and I always  fails on an epic scale. It’s just not a good fit- and goodness knows I have tried to make it work.

The thing of it is, sometimes I feel like the only way I can enjoy the holidays is that I  have to pretend to be full of light and positive vibes and that is so far out of my wheel- house it isn’t  funny.

I’m dark, I’m morbid and I’m grim. I have a weird sense of humor. But in that mix is a person who loves Disney and Pixar films. I love those videos of baby gorillas and chimps out in the wild or at a sanctuary ( I HATE seeing them in human clothes and doing tricks)

In my brain and in my soul the light and the darkness seem to work together well together.

It’s too bad the rest of the world has a hard time with my living arrangements. I hate the idea of not having  the darkness and the light in my life.

AI Art By Cursejourney


2 thoughts on “Winter In My Heart

  1. That orb will be here for a long time down here. I do enjoy reading about your world, which I can relate too quite well at times.
    Thank you for being a Ragtag regular Anita 🙂 🙂

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