
Holidailies Prompt: Your favorite thing that you wrote in the past year, and why.

This was my favorite story that I wrote this year.I wrote for Halloween- it  is about a monster that I have always found a challenge to write about and I think I did  a good job at it, plus I h  fun writing it.

Inspired by the Experience Writing Prompt: Fear Is A Monster

“Design Committee” by Aaron Jasinski

A dark heart driven to be beat by anger

instead of blood it is feuled by despair

razor sharp teeth,  curled cruel  claws

freed from their prison of flesh and bone

when the Moon is full.

Photo J..M Moscoso

It was raining the night Agatha decided to become  a Vampire.

She was sitting on her porch, perched on a lawn chair covered with slick rotten autumn leaves and bird poo when a bolt of lightning hit the oak tree at the side of her yard and blew one of it’s limbs off.

That lightning strike was a sign.

Tonight was the night Agatha  would leave the world of shopping on line, waiting  at the same bus stop at the end of her street to get on the bus in the morning that took her to work where one of her co-workers had shaved his head save for a top knot perched on top of his head.

He dyed it pink and it looked like a severed thumb had pushed it’s way out of his skull.

Good by and so long to all of that.

Tonight was the night she would  fly free from this dull colorless world  just  the lightning  charred arm from her oak tree did.

She got up from her seat. She knew what she would tell her husband and her  two teenage children and of course their phones which had  replaced each of them  in this new world that had been created for them by their preferred cellphone carrier.

She pushed her living room door open, she strode down the hall to their dining room and she bellowed  as she kicked a fallen chair over on her way into the half lit room

” I’ve decided that tonight I am going to become a monster. Tonight I’m going to become a Vampire, a merciless cold blooded killer. What do you think of that?”

From their places around the table where her family were sitting with their faces in their plates, their breakfast food clotted with vomit and blood leaving half dried  gelatinous  masses haphazardly splattered on the cream colored linen table cloth,  had her family been able to say anything from the ruined faces created by Agatha’s shotgun, the words ” are you crazy” would not have been among them.

Winter In My Heart

RDP Thursday: ORB

Today in the Winter Solstice which means that the Sun, that big  Orb  of fiery death that our planet twirls around  like a ballerina jacked up on caffeine spends less time in the sky then normal.

It’s also the first day of winter.

AI Art By Cursejourney

I am ambivalent about the Winter Solstice.

I like it that the day is dark and short. I like that ALOT.

Some of my friends have these great solstice parties, they make great food, dress up and celebrate nature and the old ways.

I’m not sure what’s so great about the old ways, because back when they weren’t the old ways but standard operating procedure there was about a million things that could kill you before Noon- but hey, that’s me just being snarky. Ignore it.

I think Winter Solstice celebrations are fun, people who celebrate it give it their all and really, that’s great.

I tried to go traditional in my efforts to celebrate Christmas  and I always  fails on an epic scale. It’s just not a good fit- and goodness knows I have tried to make it work.

The thing of it is, sometimes I feel like the only way I can enjoy the holidays is that I  have to pretend to be full of light and positive vibes and that is so far out of my wheel- house it isn’t  funny.

I’m dark, I’m morbid and I’m grim. I have a weird sense of humor. But in that mix is a person who loves Disney and Pixar films. I love those videos of baby gorillas and chimps out in the wild or at a sanctuary ( I HATE seeing them in human clothes and doing tricks)

In my brain and in my soul the light and the darkness seem to work together well together.

It’s too bad the rest of the world has a hard time with my living arrangements. I hate the idea of not having  the darkness and the light in my life.

AI Art By Cursejourney


Happy Days

WordPress Prompters- why do you mock me?

Today you asked, “When are you most happy?” and the answer is I don’t know because happiness hits me lightning, or a bus. I just don’t know when and if it’s going to happen and when it does it’s  a big ol’ surprise.

Today I was at work, doing my desk job without much joy or enthusiasm  ( do you know I have a clock on the wall that stopped at 11:40 about five year ago because the battery  died and I didn’t replace it because the only time I care about the time is when I’m done for the day) when this picture popped up on my alert screen ( I have it set to capture art work because why not )

I went from a ‘its another Wednesday” blahs to having a great day because this picture made me laugh- really laugh- out loud.

I hope you found my response satisfactory.


Death of an ice skater. Fritz Rohm illustration for Jugend magazine, 1898.