Song Of The Kappa

Photo: NASA

Photo: NASA

Daily Prompt: Bridge


Want to take a walk

with me

to the bridge

to the rail

look up

see  the stars above?


Keep looking up

don’t look down

don’t look down

you’re not falling

you’re flying


With Me.

up to the stars

beyond the moon

breathe the air

cool as water


You’re not drowning

you’re flying

open your eyes

drink the air

soft as a feather

as heavy as the night


falling around us.

Closing around us.

We are not drowning

We are flying.

Flying off of the bridge.


*Kappa ( Japanese folklore)

Undead Humour




My Friend Cle sent me these- because it’s Halloween and she’s awesome and we can make jokes about Uranus on Facebook all day long and it never gets old:

For my friend…. because I know it is almost your favourite time of year….
One day I’ll trick or treat with you !

What do you call a monster with no neck?
The Lost Neck Monster.

Demons are a ghoul’s best friend.

Do zombies eat popcorn with their fingers? No, they eat the fingers separately.

Why did the witches’ team lose the baseball game? Their bats flew away.

What kind of streets do zombies like the best? Dead ends.

Who did Frankenstein take to the prom? His ghoul friend.

What do you call two spiders that just got married? Newlywebbed

Who are some of the werewolves cousins? The whatwolves, the whowolves, and the whenwolves.

Why do mummies have so much trouble keeping friends? They’re too wrapped up in themselves.

Why did the ghost go into the bar? For the boos.

What happens when a ghost gets lost in the fog? He is mist.

Who won the skeleton beauty contest? No body.

What do you do when 50 zombies surround your house ? Hope that it’s Halloween.

e sent me these- because it’s Halloween and she’s awesome and we can make jokes about Uranus on Facebook all day long and it never gets old:

Aunt Domino’s Sewing Room


” Tia, do you know the story about the Gates to Hell, you know, the real story. Not one of those made up ones.”

Harley’s Aunt Domino was sitting in a chair in her sewing room, working on one of her needlepoint projects.

” Go ask you Uncle. ”

” But he told me to ask you- he said you’re the one that traveled all over the world back in the day. He said you’d know. Come on Tia, I really want a good story to tell at the Halloween Party tonight. And thank you Tia for letting me have it here. You’re the best. ”

”  You’re welcome Sweetness.  Now. I’ve seen some strange things. Did I tell you I’ve seen a witch making a deal with the devil and ghosts drowning at Sea- forever poor things-  and I watched a dead woman wind her way down a tree like a snake? Oh wait, I’ve seen that at least three times. Those post mortem possessions are a dime a dozen. Never mind.

” But no Gate to Hell?”

Domino put her needlepoint down and reached for her Niece’s hand. ” I’m sorry sweetness. No. I’ve never been to one or seen one. But I do have a nice collection of shrunken heads you can use at your party. How’s about that?”

Harley’s disappointment fell away from her face, ” Did you make them yourself?”

” I certainly did. But you might want to leave that part out. Be careful with them though. You know what happens when the stitches come loose from their mouths. ”

” Yes Tia, I know.”

” Good girl. Now take care of them, they’re my treasures you know.”

” I will.” Harley happily sprinted out of the room and Domino called after her, ” Harley. Harley come back here. Shut that door now. ”

” Sorry Tia.”

” It’s okay, ” Domino picked her needlepoint back up. ” Wouldn’t want somebody wandering in here by accident. They’d have a devil of a time trying to get away from  your Tia once they come through that door,  wouldn’t they?”

Domino smiled down into her needlepoint hoop and Harley’s face lit up like a Jack -O-Lantern.

” You’re the best Tia ” Harley cried as she ran out of the room and pulled the door closed behind her.

” Yes. ” Domino said, “Yes I am.”


Date Night


” I thought we’d do something really special for Halloween ”

He and his wife were in their brightly lit kitchen, she was at the counter standing in front of the stove looking up into the cupboard where she kept her spices.

” What’s that. ” she asked after a moment.

” I thought I’d take you somewhere special this year, someplace nice. Someplace near the water. I know how much you love the water.”

” I do.” She closed the cupboard door and walked past him to where she kept her kitchen knives. ” I do love the sound of the Ocean.”

” Great. How about dinner at-”

” But I’m going to make my a pie for after.” She took a knife from the knife rack and then she swung it down and stuck it into the counter.

He did not flinch or move a muscle.

” What kind of pie are you going to make this year dear. ” he asked casually once he got his breath back.

She drew the knife through  the formica counter top as if it were a stick of soft butter.

” I’m not sure. Here. Why don’ you go pick something up for me.”

” Any ideas or-”

When his wife turned around her dark red eyes flared yellow and gold at  him, ” Surprise me dear.” She said as she reached for her cauldron on the stove and handed it to him. “Surprise me. It’s Halloween after all.
