The Hunters

Moonlight by Chide Hassam

Moonlight by Childe Hassam

Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt.



” Can you see it?” she asked him as they stood together on the moonlit road to nowhere.

He looked into her face, into her eyes he stared at her mouth. ” No.”

” It’s right there. ” she insisted as the dry autumn leaves fell from the trees around them like rain. ” Just look.”

He looked up the road and down the road. ” Nothing is there.”

” It’ is. Look straight ahead and wait. Just wait for one second.”

His head snapped to the left. ” I saw, I think I saw, what was that?” he asked her ” Where did it go?”

She leaned forward and whispered into his ear, ” Stay quiet, keep still, wait just one more second. Can you see it now.?”

He held his hand up. ” I can, it’s right there in the corner, it’s in the corner of my eye.”

” Turn you head very slowly, slowly Calum, very very slowly.”

” Isabelle. What is this? Can it be?”

Isabelle took his hand. ” It’s our new home my dear. Our lovely new home. No one can take this one from us, nobody can turn us away from this one. Never again, I swear.”

The two neglected graves at the edge of the cemetery bathed in moonlight on the road to nowhere were marked by ruined gravestones, the names and dates worn away by time.

” Ours?” he asked her.

” They are now.” She led him through the darkness to their new eternity.



Daily Prompt

Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt



Self Portrait Nude: Egon Schiele


He wants take his skin

He wants to be in his skin

The frustrated little guy

Wants out of his own thin skin



Is my skin safe, is yours is hers?



He wants out of his  skin

He needs to be rid of his skin

The frustrated little guy

Trolls for skin

in his car

on foot

by tweet and by book by hook and by crook



How will he take the skins,

how will he steal those skins,

how will he wear those skins

once they are his?



Will they smell? Will they talk? Will they scream

against his own bones?



He really doesn’t care because



He wants take his skin

He wants to be in his  skin

The frustrated little guy

Wants out of his own thin skin



Will he remember once he wears those skins

that he

trolled for those skins

in his car

and on  foot

by tweet and by book by hook and by crook



Will he be able to forget

will he be able to make us forget

The frustrated little guy who

cut away, who tore away

with desperate his own desperate hands

his own thin skin.


Self Portrait Nude: Egon Schiele



Splish Splash Bloonk


Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt.

Attersee Gutav Klimt

Attersee Gutav Klimt

On the surface, things never look complicated.

Do you know why that is?

Because they’re not.

Things only get complicated when you pitch a stone or drop a dead body through that

smooth uncomplicated surface and mess it up.

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso

A week or so ago, I sort of took myself off of Facebook. I kept the account open because my blog links go there automatically and I like the photo album set ups.

I was asked ‘why’ a lot.

My decisions wasn’t a complicated one- I’d rather have people like  something I created rather then like something I repeated.

Still, that one action on my part broke the seemingly smooth uncomplicated surface of the way we have all agreed to communicate.

Photo: A.M. Moscoso

Photo: A.M. Moscoso

So what is it about those smooth calm surfaces that brings out the Devil in us, that makes us drag that corpse to it’s edge or above it and drop it in.

Do we like the watching the splash? Do we like hearing that ‘ bloonk’ sound?

Is this a hard question to answer…

or a complicated one?


It’s all fun and games until the Sun Goes Super Nova and we all die



I love a serious or metaphorical theme as much as the next photographer… but this week, let’s just have some fun.

Photo: A.M. Moscoso

Photo: A.M. Moscoso

When I go to my favorite place for lunch, I like to sit across from this Ice Cream freezer.

I like the picture, it reminds me of being a little kid and begging my Mom for extra money so I could buy one of the ‘fancy’ treats from the Ice Cream Man.

I haven’t actually bought anything from this case, I just like to look at it.

It makes me smile.

Photo: A.M. Moscoso

Photo: A.M. Moscoso

When I turned 50 one of my friends said to me, ” When you turn 50 the world ignores you and you shouldn’t wear pink because that’s a ‘ young woman’s’ color and now is your time to celebrate becoming a ‘crone’ ( which I learned is what you become when you hit menopause.) and that from this point forward only “Crones” will find you interesting and of any value to society in general.

Every time I see this picture I think of how royally screwed up my ‘friend’ was and I’m glad to say that almost 2 years after being told that by her I have learned what she said is utter bull pucky.

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso

This is painted on the bus shelter wall at my bus stop.

Sometimes I just stand there for countless minutes and look at it and think, ” Why are you here?”

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso

This is a picture of the Sun.

You know what they say, ” It’ all fun and games until the Sun Goes Super Nova and we all die”