Everybody Loves A Parade ( especially if dogs are involved )

I don’t do the shopping thing after Thanksgiving, but I do love a parade and today in  Seattle, WA was the Macy’s Holiday Parade.

This year my cousin and his Saint Bernard ( aka, my Cousin’s son ) Xavier got to march in the parade with their Saint Bernard Club-  before you ask the dogs weren’t carrying brandy.

Sorry parade watchers.


Here are a few pictures of them having some fun ( check out the smiles!)

Just as a side note, my cousin has been raising and training Saints since 1969 and I’ve more or less considered his  Saints as his kids.

It was a great way to learn about dogs- but it also skewered my sense of what big dogs are because anything smaller then a Saint is ” medium ” sized to me.

Weird right?

Anyway, here are the really sweet pictures I mentioned earlier:


John and Xavier


Inspired By the Ragtag Daily Prompt: Shop

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